Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year Again
Sunday, December 27, 2009
My best day ever!
I got to say, it is the best movie I ever watched. I love how things are so pretty in the Planet Pandora and the way they can communicate with animals by connect of what they called the "neural queue", that's really neat! I am trully amazed! One thing that really pissed me off is that Qatar cut some of the scenes! what the fuck, I paid QR55(rm55) to watch it and you fucking cut out at least 3 scenes, go die! I want to watch the complete full movie and I will definitely watch it again!
Another thing that i'm happy of is that I bought the shoes from Pull and Bear.
It costed me QR100 (it was QR150 originally). It might be a little bit expensive but i like it and my shoes are killng me so I just have to buy it. haha. They are pretty comfy~
Oh by the way, our whole family is going to watch Tennis Tournament on the 6th January and I am going to watch the semi finals with Roza on the 8th. I hope the good players are playing on both days then it gonne be Oh La La! too bad the tickets weren't as cool as the previous year's and there's no lucky draw, boooooooo. looked like they are getting cheaper and cheaper, cheap ass.
oh shit, I think I spent more than 200 in 2 days. OH F.U.C.K~ looks like I have to stay at home for the weekdays to prevent overspend. hehe~
I don't care and I don't mind! I'm happy~
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
somehow i think i prefer qatar over malaysia

Friday, December 11, 2009
I hate this part right now.
Maybe I will tell you more when I'm in the mood.
Take Care
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The one I Love yet Hate

But when he is awake, he treat me as his boxing partner.
Well, why do I still love him?
It is because when I get angry, He will come and hug me, tell me he likes me.
And that's why I hate him too.
When he does that, no matter how angry I am, I just couldn't smack him anymore.
Now he is smacking me to force me to read out this blog to him.
Monday, December 7, 2009
My face and my ears were red
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
a post I promised
Yesterday wasn't really exciting but my best friend, Hilda sweetheart talked with me on the phone for about 45 minutes or more. She read my blog and she decided to call, to cheer me up and to cheer herself up too (coz she miss me too much) =]
Today I got an email from Roza, oh, she suprised me with her extraordinary attachments. Curious huh? too bad, those attachments are only for me, I'm not sharing =D
I'm so glad that 2 out of 4 of my best friends still very care about me. Thank you~
I know the other 2 do care about me but they are busy right now so I'll forgive them. Anyway, it's their loss. I bet they will be mad at me for not telling them in facebook or via sms. oppsie.
Oh btw, I chatted with Nadia today, lovely little... eh, wrong, she is older than me. But yeah, she is my best friend too, sorry that i left you out in the previous post.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
i'm falling apart
There is nothing new to tell you guys, except that I go to work every monday till saturday from 8am to 5pm, online till 6pm, shower then dinner at 6.30pm, 7pm online again and realizing that i have nothing better to do, so I end up playing games till 10pm and good night.
Although quite unbelievable, yes, that is my life. gosh, I really hate this life! I want to get away from this boring, meaningless, sad life! I don't know, feeling a bit emo right now.
Celsy Tampo, if you are reading this, I really want to go to the ship park and talk with you for hours and hours or we can have cheesecake at my house, I enjoy looking at you jumping up and down when you see cheesecake. You, better get a internet connection and update me with your super doper amazing Melbourne life, if not, I won't share my New Zealand experience with you next year! hmph!
Roza Rosman, if you are reading this, please bring me in your landcruiser and go to anywhere. You always make me laugh really hard. We can go to Hardess and become Rothy. HAHA. good time good time~ I must see you on the 21st Dec even though I'll arrive in early morning and I might need some sleep, but I don't care, you better make sure I see your face or you know what are you gonna get from me!
Hilda Teo, if you are reading this and I know you do, please come home. I wanna sleepover at your house, you don't need to entertain me, as long as you are with me, I feel secured. We didn't do as much things we did before, is Facebook to blame! We used to talk about guys the nights I slept at your house, that was the best time. I don't want to grow up!
anyway, you are having a hard life lately too, so I won't put on more burden on you, take care of yourself, ok?
Yao, if you are reading this, however I know you'll never read it, I really looking forward to see you in Nov/Dec so we can hang out and eat all the food you like (Shabukun). Although we didn't chat as much since you left, you're still one of my best friend. We need to catch up and I hate you for not using Digi.
Alright then, that's all for this time. I need rain, rain washes away my emo-ness. and that's the reason I love rain.
Monday, October 12, 2009
New things

Thursday, October 8, 2009
some more photo
A shirt from Paris! woohoo! It is really pretty!
I saw the photo they took, so breathtaking!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
my 'honeymoon'

Oh, i repainted my nail, its red french nails. They are real.
Found this in my mobile. Celsy will love this if she sees this in real life. Well, she will be able if she is in Sydney, coz I found him in SYDNEY! wohoo, yayak, you might see him when you go to town hall. too bad i didn't got his face, i think he is kinda cute too. oh~~~~~
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tri la li la la baba, Tri la li lala nyonya

My bff is back for holidays n tomorrow is her 18th birthday. what should i do for her?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
gazillion sorry
oh my dear friends, as you can see, i haven't update much of my blog. Firstly, it wasn't my fault. My internet connection was out of touch for 2 days and i did tried to update/upload photo, it took me like forever and it always failed. So, i just have to give up.
btw, i had started working full time in a bookshop, is pretty exhausted by the end of the day. So you guys, please be kind, don't give me a hard time about my un-updated blog. You all can have a look at the photos in facebook. im really sorry, i know i promised to update it but... please forgive me, my lovely readers.
haiz, the facebook is giving me a hard time too, failed photo uploading for almost 5 times. please bear with me. i wil try it again soon.
here's the link.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
the one about sheeps n koala
Took a train to Brisbane, Took Citycat (ferry) to University of Queensland (Open Day), Walked around in the town.
Went to MovieWorld in Gold Coast (the whole day).
Saturday, July 25, 2009
wednesday I went to get a new hairdo, i curled it again, even more curly than before.
but hey, the book, The Host, is quite nice, just finished it today. I love it.
Don't jump, don't scream, don't laugh when you look at the photo below. I was planning not to post it up but i don't think it is fair for my loyal followers. *sighed*
The way my hair turned out wasn't really what i expected, but what had been done is done, it can't be undo.
This morning colin was trying to update his ipod using my laptop. instead, he found out that there is a trojan horse hiding in my itune. What the fuck! I did a system restore, it failed to get rid the horse. so i used AVG to do a system scan and yes, it worked. thanks to antivirus.
Argh, i got a running nose. i think the chance of me getting quarantine this time is doubled, to make myself feel worse, tripled. And due to the seriously polluted air, my eyes get watery very easily these days and i can't wear my pretty contact lenses! argh, i feel like i wanna go back to qatar. I was healthy over there!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
my awesome life
I went to a church dinner, well not really, i was begged to take care of the kids. Those kids were like angels but demonic. lol. i spent too much time hunting them down and i didn't ate much.
anyway, the most delightful thing of the day was that i got my nails painted by professional nail artist. aha.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Did it again & I'm sorry
To him who loved me, I know you will never forgive me for what i had done but i am really sorry.
I knew this gonna happen and i should not had allowed it to begin in the first place.
Loneliness took over me and now it had caused you so much pain.
There is nothing left we can do, so let's just move on with our life.
From your last text message, you are going back to your night life, smoking and drinking.
I thought you said you regretted for doing all those bad stuffs in the past years.
When you don't even love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to love you.
Looked like you failed to grow any mature throughout these time.
I'll not involve in your life anymore so I hope you'll enjoy it.
is it wrong for me to choose the guy who loves me instead of the guy i love?
had fun but kinda messed up a bit
So we went to breakfast at around 10am, then we went to my house at around 1pm and we decided to go to shabukun (the japanese restaurant) but unfortunately it doesn't open during the day time. So we went to Riverfront Restaurant.
Here are some photos of us~
Hilda is leaving this saturday to Kuala Lumpur to further her study. She is a Hello Kitty freak and she used to be a Patrick freak too, and i think she still is.
She gave me the tiny one so i'll remember her everytime i look at the tiny patrick. How cute and lovely! She reminded me of Celsy's Spongebob.
At night, i have a ex classmates gathering, well, they said it was to celebrate my and another 2 friends' birthday. After dinner, we went to Pink Corner (It is a Karaoke and people smokes in there. I smelled like a cigg when i left there, I swear i'll never step into those kind of places ever!) Obviously, it was fun to hang out with all my friends, they were singing, we were taking photos and there were 2 cakes! I'll upload the photos whenever i get my hand on them. AND AND AND, Ruhana, thanks for your present. for those who dont know, it was a Bra. haha, a nice sexy red bra.
But Paul wasn't very happy about it. He wasn't very happy for the past 3 days because i was texting and talking and going out with guys and especially tonight, one of my ex classmates was my ex bf, so yeah. I went home by 11pm and I decided to have a talk with Paul. I'm really not sure if the talk went alright or went wrong because i think i'm hurting him with what i said but what i said to him is because i don't want to lose him. Relationship is so complicated.
I'm not gonna boring you with my relationship problems. So good night and sleep tide.
for the photos with url, i took them from Hilda's blog and she always put url on her photos.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
happy 18th birthday to me