Saturday, December 14, 2013

people these days still read blogs?

So yeah, had my graduation today and it was hectic and tiring. Will not want to go through it again so if I am ever going to do a postgraduate degree, I will do graduate in absentia. The photos are all in my uncle's camera and I don't have a card reader nor a USB cable so I can't upload any photo at the moment. Will update the post when I can lay my hands on them.

It's great to have my parents in Dunedin with me for a period of time, I love them but man, I am still fat in their eyes, how sad! Well, I blame them for feeding me so much and have no time to go exercise. And it is gonna be more impossible when I go back to Holidays! There will be more food, less exercise, crap! I do hope all my hard works won't go down the drain! MUST HAVE SELF CONTROL!

So let's see what's on my to-do list in M'sia/S'pore:

  1. Weddings; I have 3 weddings to attend. Cool, that really reminded me, maybe I should consider study Masters so I won't get married so early.
  2. Hairdo; yup, a must do thing every year. Be ready to be surprised or maybe not.
  3. Shopping; definitely need to shop for work clothes! and possibly iPhone 5S, my iPhone 4 won't stop crashing on me. Damn you Apple!
  4. Chinese New Year; haven't celebrate one for a like what 5 years at least? Angpau time!!!
  5. Spend time with my grandparents and family; I missed them and I want graduation presents. teehee.
  6. Spend time with my best friends; they gonna skin me alive if I don't. 
  7. Stay skinny; lol, I have no words for this
  8. Get pampered; oh how I missed being handled like a princess!
Ok, it's late and I need to sleep after such a long day. See ya peeps.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Procrastinating for the last time? hahaha

So What's the best way to procrastinate? Yeahey! Is to find my old photo and do a timeline of my life: yeah so I will just let the photos do all the talking.



Oh whoa, what a journey I had been through and what a fine woman I have come to be! LOL Yeah yeah yeah I am in love with myself! hahaha

tata people!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Graduate depression

Pretty sure everyone goes through this at some points of their life, whether it is in the senior year of high school or university or even mid 20's or middle age. You will start wondering where your life is heading, uncertainties of the future, what to do for career, how to support myself, where is my Mr. Right, what do I want etc etc. I'm just speaking for myself here, I really do not like uncertainties, maybe because I am a control freak this way. But these uncertainties, not knowing really drove me crazy and I broke down. I was depressed and antisocial for about a week or two. I hated everything, I hated everyone and I was really unhappy. Yes, if I could lay my hand on a vase, I would throw it so hard, so damn hard. 

But what can you do? Absolutely Nothing! Well, I mean you can't really turn the uncertainties into certainties but you can do other things. I went to get two new jobs although they are just volunteer job, I think that would make me happier, something to look forward to and to challenge my mind and intellectual, exciting and interesting. One more thing is keep up with my fitness goal, still haven't get rid of my kangaroo pouch. Must get rid of it by end of this year. Of coz, another thing I can do is to rant it out on my blog and forget all about it. teehee

I can never prevent this from coming so I should prepare myself for it. Make sure I am pretty and healthy and fit on my graduation end of the year. Reunion with my parents and maybe plan a trip back to my dear Bintulu hometown. I have been traveling to different places since the past years, but this time I would like to spend it with my family and friends who I have not see for a long long time, do some shopping, change my wardrobe with working clothes (need to donate my kiddy style shirts). Now that I turn it into an event I look forward to, instead of an event that mark the beginning of my blurry future, I felt much better and very much can't wait for it. 

Of coz, there are better things to do or to keep me cheerful and motivated but the best one is this:

I seriously hate how he die so early in the GI Joe second movie. Who the f*ck is the writer that write him off so soon! I wanna see his moves in the movie! Oh well, I will wait for this to happen then....

Hahahaha, ok lovelies, good night.

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