Last night was a bad night. why??? Because i had a nightmare! the worse nightmare i ever had! it was not a scary nightmare, but it was a WRONG, VERY WRONG dream! i was wondering the whole morning whether should i describe my dream here or just keep it as my deepest secret. Fine, i will describe it here but i will not tell who was in my dream.
Okok, i try not to sound crazy but because of too much Twilight books, i had too much romance scenes stuck in my mind til i dream about it in my sleep. how pathetic! It was a very romantic dream. I dreamt about myself as Bella, i was with the one i love, my Edward. We were sitting in a park, we had a very romantic afternoon. We talked, we flirted, we tit each other and we even kissed. We were definitely in love with each other. How romantic! but what's so wrong about this dream??
The wrong thing in my dream was my Edward! BIG CROSS! *TEH!!!* WRONG WRONG WRONG! SO WRONG! he was not the one i expected, i mean he was the last one i expected to appear in my dreams!! when i woke up this afternoon, i was talking to myself for almost an hour. "NO, NOT HIM! WHY HIM?!"
I am a psychology student and i know that dreams are the presentations of our subconscious. I moved on but do my subconscious really still longing for him? UNBELIEVABLE. *stupid subconscious!* I hope he won't haunt me for the rest of my life or i will go and hang myself. I'm serious.
ok, i guess i should stop here or i might give out too much information about my Edward, correction = wrong Edward. If you are really interested in who he is, ask me personally. then i might consider to tell or not to tell.
4 weeks ago
i know who it is
i know who it is
but he is sooo NOT edward
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