Wednesday, January 28, 2009
virus everywhere
Math in school, i bet you know the story, i don wan to say it here, its too long and not appropriate. The art students left to London today, they looked so nice, damn, i wish i was one of them! *cough cough*
Went to dentist, i thought of go home straight after but i felt its kinda early so i went to medical, get some medicine then went back to school.
Btw, Atika came to my house yesterday, asked me to help her in science n math.
hmmm, what else, cyprus, should i go? i mean Mr grunwell made it sound so nice n enjoyable and i have no other field trip. i really want to go but i want all the year13 girls to go tooo.
Today is the 3rd day of chinese new year, the year of Ox. Happy new year to me n all my friends!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
oh no!!!

Aaron Perry Johnson. British Actor. Birthday 13 June 1990.
My birthday 13 July 1991, exactly a year and a month younger than him.

Look at his smile! Can't breathe! The smile killed me!
For those who saw Roza's blog, yeap, she beat me to it.
Not fair! I was too busy doing s2.
By the way, I calculated my c3 exam score, max 66%, a C!
Thanks to Aaron/Robbie and his killer smile, i didn't turn emo.
Good night, Aaron, I hope you will be in my dream tonight!
Friday, January 16, 2009
- too much trigonometry questions and i am weak in trigonometry!
- i didn't revise enough for it, i though i did!
- i was too hyper in the morning and i can't get my brain cell to work!
*sorry for all those harsh words but i am really frustrated because i will need to resit c3 in June.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Not that my friends here are not amazing or what, just that we don't have much place to hang out and expensive too. My friends here are as amazingly fabulous, they speak really good english which made them really cool, and they are good in so many things, future artist, music instruments and singing, academically talented, computer genius, future doctor, good dancer, math genius, great sense of humour, future engineer and everything else!
by the way. I thought i like the guy in my dream, but after a serious thought about it, i am just simply admire his talents. and this is one of the reasons i don't want to let him know. So whoever that told him, please admit it, i promise i will forgive you. If no one want to tell the truth, then i will just simply stop trusting anyone. I don't care that indo gossip is faster and more effective than qtel whatever.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Repression, Not Depression.
By the way Rizky, i didn't mean to be so descriptive, but that was what made the dream awesome! I thought you are planning to go to hell so you should start getting use to these stuffs and i bet you had imagined it exaggeratedly. Marianne, i never know that my blog can be so inspiring and i am glad that it inspired you to write a blog. Rifqi, i know you love my blog, but sorry, i stopped getting naughty dreams.
i am so happy today! because the biology students might go to Cyprus again! I LOVE CYPRUS! well, if only enough number of people are going, so please, my biology buddies, please think about it, this is our last high school field trip.
My mum send me this video. My brother and i were literally rofl-ing! I am sure you gonna love it so much!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Consider changing my blog's name
In the afternoon, i went to watch tennis with Roza and Celsy. We went with Roza's parents. The game between Rafael Nadal and Gael Monfils rock! We were so into the game, screaming and worrying for Monfils. We were supporting Franceeee. Reached home at 10pm, which was earlier than usual. went online, checked the tennis players' profile, then went to bed.
The highlight of my blog was my dream, again. this is why i was considering to change my blog's name to "My dream world". This is the weirdest dream i ever had. Because the guy in my dream is a guy from our school. I can clearly see his face in my dream!
What did he did in my dream?? Yeap, he did something naughty naughty with me. I think i will skip the first part because the first part was me running away from a ghost family. LOL. I have no idea how he got into my dream, but yes, he was in my dream and i am sorry, i don't know why the hell am i keep getting naughty dreams.
He KISSED me!! His wide-opened mouth covered my whole mouth and i can feel his tongue licking my lips. I was thinking in my mind, "what the F! this is not the way you kiss a girl!" but surprisingly he started to move his lips slowly to mine and we had a tongue fight. We didn't have bang bang bang and we kissed throughout the whole dream.
I bet you are really really curious who he is. Another clue for you, he is in year 13 too.
I will leave the question for you to solve. Have fun~ *evil grin*
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Another weird yet naughty dream.
I don't know how it started, but it started with a wedding, My wedding. I was in the bride dress and the bridegroom was so nice and lovable. I can't remember what kind of wedding it was but i remember clearly that Bang Bang Bang happened. It was naughty naughty, right? But it was cool and wild! The next morning i woke up, he was in the kitchen making breakfast and i was in my pyjamas, a sexy white pyjamas~ Curious? it looked similar to this one. I love the pyjamas, i wish i can get one after i leave here and live alone.

I went to the kitchen and hugged him from the back. You know, and some other those typical romantic moves after a wild night. But suddenly a guy broke in our house and yelled at us, threathened to kill my husband. Ooopss! you guys might think that i was having an affair, but it wasn't what you were thinking. the guy love me and he can't accept the truth that i was married so he wanted to kill my husband so he can get me. And i really don't understand what happened, my husband suddenly became retarded and started to attack the guy. I don't want anyone to get killed so i jumped between them and....
*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* my alarm rang. Argh, goddamnit! i want to know what happen next but life is cruel. when a dream ends, it ends. Anyway, I wished it has a good ending - more Bang Bang Bang? I don't mind, it is just a dream. hahaha!
Just in case you are guessing who is the guy, i can tell you that he is not my ex. He is someone new, someone i don't know. How do i know that? because the feeling with him was very different from those i had with my ex. i hope he is not the cullen, i already got over twilight, so i doubt he will be the vampire. My conclusion, i haven't meet this guy but i wish i will.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dictionary Joke
There is one thing that i want to share with all of you. On monday, during biology, Roza took my mobile and she was looking for my contacts.
hahaha. i hope it is funny because i laughed so much! hmm, what else... Oh yeah, new psychology teacher, he is fine, he is like the second Mr. Granwell (very active, he wil goes BAH! BONG!). By the way, my psychology experiment, please support me. you know, if you take part in my experiment, you can write it down in your cv - you like to experiment new thing and like to be experimented which shows that you like challenges and like to try things.
Exams are coming soon, damn, i should be revising my ass off but i just can't concentrate.
I am so happy today, because a best friend of mine forgave me for what i had done to him. After such a long time (at least 4 months), he is willing to talk to me now.
I have tonnes of things to write about but when i am writing this, i forgot all of them! so annoying. Nevermind, i will just stop here for this time.
Just in case they go back on their word, I have a bet with Reza and Bayu. I really hope that they are not a cheap asian!
Reza- If he gets an A in C4, he wins and i will buy him a Praline Pleasure from BR. If he gets a B, i win and i will get a Praline Pleasure.
Bayu- If he resits his C4 in June, i win and if he doesn't, he wins. Praline Pleasure from BR too.
Friday, January 2, 2009
2009 gonna be a great year.
31st Dec 2008
My mum cooked lot of nice foods for lunch but too bad my mum said my brother and i are too young to drink or we might turn into an alcoholic so we didn't get to open the red wine that had lied in the kitchen for months. I left home at 7pm, walked to Roza's house. She planned a sleepover and i was looking forward to it. But my mum said no and tasha and bella can't sleepover too. All of us were obviously really disappointed. I am a person that value friends more than anything or anyone, so i decided to sneak out and sleepover. i don't care what it will get me into. i just don't want my friends to be unhappy on new year. So yes, my evil plan, sneaking out.
We (Roza, Celsy, Tasha, Bella and me) walked to Shulhan's house. "KITTY!" you all know who was that, it was Celsy, the cat lover! We also found out that Tasha is afraid of height! but she did it, she climbed up and down safely and i bet she is really proud of herself! there is one thing that i don't understand, she said she wants to do bungee jumping and wants me to join her! i mean i would love to join and i am literally dying to join her, but a heightphobia and bungee jump, do not seem possible, unless she is trying to overcome the fear.
We ate and we were full. we talked and we laughed, we had nothing else to do. We finished the marshmallow that were supposed to be our last dessert. So... Oohhh, and don't forget Roza ran 'into' the wire and luckily i was behind her, i held her in place just before she fell! i am proud to be her lifesaver. It was 11pm and we were so ASIANs! We took family/group photo, we posed and we smiled. I think the typical asian genes run in everyone's blood coz everyone seems to enjoy it. Time passed really fast when we were enjoying taking photos.
"5... 4... 3... 2... 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" *jumped up high and screamed out loud*
1st Jan 2009
We cleaned up and we played twister. it was the 1st time i played a twister. Till last night, i only aware of the presence of twister. I saw it in the movie 'The son of the mask' and i thought it doesn't exist in the real world. i glad i played something new. A good way to start my 2009. I wish i play more but it was so small that only allowed maximum 6 peoples so... well, watching was as fun too.
'What time is it? it's shisha time!' Shisha...again... I hesitated, wonder why? Firstly, it was because i used to have asthma when i was a kid, but the asthma gone after/when puberty and people says if asthma doesn't attack after puberty, that's mean it is cure. Secondly, my parents said shisha is worse than cigarettes and forbid me from trying it. Thirdly, Roza and Celsy said they had a bad headache the next day after they had a shisha so i am aware of the effect of a shisha. but again, i don't want to disappoint my friends, so i jumped in, i went. and guess what, i really really glad i did, not only i tried the shisha and i kind of like it but i also witnessed the highlight of the new year celebration. for those who went, you know what i mean. i wish i can write it here, but i had promised not to spread it and keep it down. but i doubt it, it's al khor community and like we all know, indo gossip is faster than qtel, it will soon spread all over the whole community.
because i had a shisha, it was something that a normal cathy will never do, so i gave up the sneaking out plan. i went home, went to bed and woke up at 2pm. Had my dinner at waha. I knew my mum will never let me off, she gave me a religious lecture and some religious resolutions. Instead of agreeing to her, i told her about shisha and as i expected, she was furious and my dad was as usual, calm. She kept telling me that I was not supposed to smoke a shisha nor try a shisha, not even for once! My dad, he was cool, he said to me that he doesn't mind i try a shisha, i get to choose what i want to do but think twice and be smart. I just love my dad! so i spent the whole night talking with my dad about guys, relationships, friends, parties, alcohols, shisha, study, universities, future job, moneys.
2nd Jan 2009
It is 2am and i'm still here updating my blog. Wow, this is a long blog! i guess i should stop or i might scare away my loyal readers or fans. good night everyone, have a naughty dream!