last night i was chatting with someone i really valued. He is in UK right now. We had been best friends for more than 2 years. I was in love with him before but now, i only love him as my best friend. since he started studying A level, we had more things in common for us to talk about. We had so much fun chatting last night. oohhh, i missed the old times when i was back in Malaysia. A bunch of best friends hanging out at summer tea, cinema, packcity mall, those days were just simply amazingly amazing. i wish i have spend more time with them.
Not that my friends here are not amazing or what, just that we don't have much place to hang out and expensive too. My friends here are as amazingly fabulous, they speak really good english which made them really cool, and they are good in so many things, future artist, music instruments and singing, academically talented, computer genius, future doctor, good dancer, math genius, great sense of humour, future engineer and everything else!
by the way. I thought i like the guy in my dream, but after a serious thought about it, i am just simply admire his talents. and this is one of the reasons i don't want to let him know. So whoever that told him, please admit it, i promise i will forgive you. If no one want to tell the truth, then i will just simply stop trusting anyone. I don't care that indo gossip is faster and more effective than qtel whatever.
4 weeks ago
the person at UK .. interesting..
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