the day before yesterday is Wednesday, yesterday is Thursday, tomorrow is Saturday and the day after tomorrow is Sunday. so what day is today? yay! the answer is in my blog title! D'OH! alright, i sounded hyper and happy. what happened? hmmm...
Dena's party! wow, all the mums are so AMAZING. yeahh, amazingly amazing! the party was called the 'Graduate Party' but it was more like a 'Mama Graduate Party'! i hope you get what i mean! then we went to the "QMUN reunion party", hahahaha, it sucks! BIG TIME! even worse than the AKIS party! well, Roza, Celsy and I have no idea what to do or where to go, so we decided to play UNO and Blackjack! i won the UNO but i lost in Blackjack. before they leave, i showed them a few card magics! they were amazed and freaked out, as usual! LOL. I'm just too good and cool as always!
eh, you two, better don't give it out too easily, especially celsy, if you can't do it, don't try to act cool and do it or you might end up embarrassing yourself, understand? always let the master do it! don't forget our deal!
by the way, i found a way to get over my obsession! i didn't make it up. The guy wasn't as cute as the other skateboarders. now i understand why i ignored him, my brain thought that he is not that hot so shut down! LoL. why did i say he is hot in the first place? because he is a western guy, no offence, but in my opinion, western guys are usually hot, eg Aaron Johnson and etc. so i thought the guy was hot till today i really spent my time trying to figure out how he looked like and then i realised he wasn't really that hot. you may say that i am just trying to make myself feel better, but i am telling the truth. i bet you don't give a shit.
anyway, tonight was not bad, we should spend more time together as we don't have much left. I'm so gonna miss you all when we graduate from AKIS, from the very bottom of my heart.
4 weeks ago
aw i just relized that u've only got like
4 more months!!
i'll miss u loads cathy! <3
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