my first exam is on the 19th of May and it is Biology, should i be worry and start working my ass off? i probably should but i can't be bother. Mr Grunwell gave us some past papers but i have no idea what to do and how to do so i just copied the answer from Roza. well, there are still time, you know~~
today i painted a portrait of Marianne for the first time since i started to model for her art. LOL, it turned out quite good except the eyes. she looked like someone just punched her eye. i should have take a photo of it. whenever i get one, i will upload it here. yes, be curious. (p.s. we laughed so much at it, gosh! although i am a bit embarrassed, i am kind of wanted to paint more.)
oh ya, my university applications, i planned to start it this week, but without my IELTS results, it seem impossible. well, at least i got my transcript half done with Mrs. Thompson.
I skipped psychology today, i know, i am so bad. but i don't want to go alone and i don't see the point of going to a lesson which i will be the only student. SCREW THAT! hahaha! *shhh* everything stay in this website, ok? this can be quite dangerous... what if the uni i am applying to, stalk me and read my blog? i will be so dead. oh no, and we going to get our report soon, i bet i will have quite a lot of absences. sh*t!
We, the YEAR 13 had been running the tuck shop for 3 days, the sales were quite good 2 days ago, but today's suck! and we had a movie day yesterday for the primary kids. OMG, that was crazy, so many kids came and they were craving for popcorn and ice cream! hmm... i wonder where the prom will be at, i doubt we can raise QR15000, so kiss goodbye the posh Doha Golf Club.
4 weeks ago
u r been tagged~
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