I'm screwed. Seriously I am really screwed! i tried to do a past paper for C3 today, fuck, I can't even do the first question properly! second question, what the fuck is the question asking for! That's how screwed I am! For C4, i didn't even dare to try the past paper!
Biology, oh yes Biology, screwed too! I'm so confused with the stupid photosynthesis thing! For psychology, ESSAYS! YAY! screwed again! I only have about 2 weeks time left! How on earth I'm gonna get all things done in 2 weeks??
I shall ban myself from Facebook, Friendster, Blogger and MSN. Yes, that's what I'm gonna do if only it will helps. OMG, WHY IS IT HAPPENING AGAIN! WHY! FUCKING WHY! yes, i am panicking!
This shall be the last post for me till summer holiday begins. sorry for my readers, do miss me!
4 weeks ago
bad idea hon, you can't deprived yourself of INTERNET until summer.
need to treat yourself at regular intervals :D
trust me, been there done that
catthyyY!! i'll miss ur blogg likkeee crazzyyyyy =( NOO!! ='(
i'll have to wait forever now!!
Relax Cath! :p
I've been feeling that too, will never get things done at the right time but yeah truee at what roza said, :D treat yourself in between. It will help you to inhale/exhale haha
LOL. damn, i said i wil ban myself from internet, but it wil never works! HAHAHAH! i just cant live without internet! =P
haha in qatar it's impossible to live without it!
I agree with what Roza said, you just can't! and your banning yourself from Paulie?! NO WAY! :P
aw dear :| panicking again?! dw :D just keep eating cheesecake and m&m. my sats are this week :\
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