Hello People.
I was away to my aunt's jungle house for my 2 weeks holiday. When I say jungle, I'm saying it as in no internet access, no mobile reception and insects bites. But, the house is actually at the sea side. It's winter over here in New Zealand, it was unexpectedly good weather, 2 days rained out of 14. So my kiwi uncle who is so madly love to fly in his helicopter, his helicopter had became my main transportation throughout the holiday. It was exciting at first but I got bored and I fell asleep. bad ass.
My first semester exams results were out but since I have noway to online, so a friend of mine checked the results on behalf. A+ for mathematics and statistic, A for psychology and philosophy. I worried the shit out of me but now I'm all relieved. Thanks God. Now everyone is happy for me, I am so proud of myself. I will take my studies more serious this semester.
Last night my friends threw an in advanced birthday party for me since my birthday falls on Tuesday and everyone will be busy going to lectures. Oh man, they got me so many presents! Monisa got a pair of heels for me, they are GORGEOUS! Hannah got me a pink purse, aaah PINK! Fareesha got me a cute little lamb in a pink bag, it's so FLUFFY! Linda and Cherie got me a board game which we try to figure out who is the murderer, we had so much FUN playing it and I'm pretty good at it, thanks to critical thinking. I love them all.
I failed to get rid of my flab in the holidays so I had decided, no more junk food eg. chocolate, ice cream, chips etc after 6pm for the rest of this year so my flab won't grow. Try harder to do some abs exercises, I want to have sexy body since I have the nice figure. LOL. GO GO GO! FLAB TO ABS!
4 weeks ago
congrats on da awesome results!!
omg, nd beach house + helicopter sounds so damn gud, i wud luv to go in a helicopter all the time
nd yes, we have all grown mass amounts of flab :O
nd it refuses to go away.
why can't veggies taste as good as chocolate?!
Now i feel so useless cause im so far away and i can do nothing for your birthday ):
I miss the days we used to spent together like crazy sigh i guess everything had changed. Perhaps you dont even love me that much anymore? *slits wrist*
Anyway, congrats on yr fabulous result. Im proud of you c: and and your flabs wont go. Trust me! HAHAHA
well done catheyyhh!!! i'm so proud of you..see you need not worry ;)
you ti ni piku those exams
(i meant to say you kicked ass :D)
close enuff yeh?
i've never celebrated your birthday with you :( sucks
it's in 2 days time....hope you have fun :)
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