Also, I uploaded more photos of my Unicol Ball on facebook. Please go check them out and comment, especially the last 2 photos.
I was planning to go to Christchurch on Friday but now, I am not so sure. You see, the bus ticket is NZ$40, its quite expensive and its only one way ticket. It gonna cost me a bomb if I need to come back to Dunedin by bus too. But then I promised my friend I will go and I wanna have some fun and meet more guys too. Such a stupid dilemma.
My lecturer was really nice as he postponed the due date of the essay which is kinda bad in a way. Coz I had been slacking. Its so hard. I don't even know what to write. Choosing the Gender studies is my biggest regret. Oh no, I still have a lab report to write too and I'm so worry that I didn't do well for my first report. Shit. This is not good.
Anyway, funnily, I don't miss the cute guy but I miss having the shots. They are so nice. Hope I won't become an alcoholic.
ps. How do you resist the temptation when you have nice delicious chocolate in your drawer?
I saw a good girl gone bad lol
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