My first formal dinner in NZ.
All my friends were wearing dark colour dresses.
I wanted to be unique so I wore white.
I can't be bother to introduce all of my friends,
but obviously they are all asians.
we had a crazy photo session!
started out normally...
we were trying out hot/sexy poses.
I borrowed the shoes from my friend. I love them!
Tat's all for this time. tata~
cath! so so pretty! :D
lovely dress too,
and yummy sexy legs (yummy in the hot-looking sense, not in the "i am hungry" sense)
U LOOKED SO SEXIEEEEEE!!!!Where's ur old fat gone eh???heee...
the shoes!!!they're sooo adorable!!!
OMGG CATHH! you look stunning and those heels..oh mygah! my jaw literally drop, so gorgeous! where did you get them from?? <3
I LOVE THE Heels catheyssshh :D they look well hot on you
and dude sandra oh much?? ;)
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