This is the second week of Uni, as for the 1st week, there wasn't really much things for me to do in comparison to my health science friends. You should have see them, they have like 4 2-inches-thick textbooks to read in 4 months and I am too lucky that I only have a 1 inch thick psychology textbook to read in a period of 8 months.
I went to my first psychology laboratory session today, from 6pm til 9pm, every wednesday. Cool eh? (sarcastic) so I just found out that I need to do 5 worksheets each contributes 1% to my final grade, 2 full lab reports (around 1800 words each) contributing 23%, a 10% test, i need to take part in 3 postgraduate's research to gain 2% and a final 60% exam with 125 multiplechoice questions. You know, there're good and bad things about multiplechoice. I'm sure you can figure that out yourself if you are clever enough.
And for Math, I need to complete 10 exercises (1 every week n they are like recap of A level math), 10 skill tests which they allowed 4 attempts! (wtf!) and a final exam. Not sure how the scores are count but I think this is much much easier to complete than Psychology. I have to do a Statistic Paper, 10 exercises again and a multiplechoice test and a final 3-hour exam. I should ace in this too as it covers A level stuffs too. I should have do the credit transfer but I am worry I won't be eligible to apply for the Honours programme next year.
And the easiet out of all (for now) is Philosophy. Oh guess what, I am doing the Critical Thinking paper! hah! ring a bell? yeah, we had that in AKIS! I need to complete 10 EASY quiz questions (1 per week with 1% each), 2 50-minutes tests (15% each) and a final 60% exam. I think I will do well in this, thanks to AKIS.
Oh my god, why am I boing you with all my Uni stuff? Guess I just wanna show off to my fellow friends who are not in Uni yet. anyway, I love Uni. oh oh, and I saw this really cute guy, my friend thinks he is cute in an odd way but I think he has the cutest smile =)! He said hi to me for like 3 times but I still dont know what's his name tho, we live in the same dorm and I saw him almost everyday! Pray for me, people, so I wont be obsess and pray for me that he will like me too! LOL. btw, congrats me, this is my 100th post!
4 weeks ago
did you get my text??? *.*
walao, ur uni life is soo complicated lah. me takut X.X
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