Last Saturday was Tiffany's birthday, me and her bf planned a surprise party for her at 12am in a Japanese drinking shop. oh yes, you know what's coming up. We were drinking. You see, Tiffany works in an asian cuisine restaurant, the chefs in the the restaurant were there for her birthday too and good thing about that was they PAID for EVERYTHING. oh yeah! hahaha, so I drank quite a lot, we kept toasting for tiff's birthday and we (4 girls) were having shots, one after another. And we got free food, so I was eating non-stop. After we surprised her, I went to the toilet and puked. hahahaha yes I puked! I wasn't drunk though because I knew what I was doing/talking! I was really dizzy and tipsy. Then my friend was really nice, got a cab and drop me home. Got home, can't be arsed to shower or even brush my teeth, but puked again then went to sleep. what a great night!
The next night I went to play badminton with some friends, the guy who has the same surname as me was there! Damn that was a long sentence, guess it's time to reveal his identity. His name is Nic. I was trying to impress him but ended up embarrassed myself. He can play really well. But then he is a very annoying grandpa! He annoyed the shit out of me and I sweared at him. "Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano" LOL. but now he owes me a bubbleTea. hehehehe.
How I wish Dunedin has these pretty bubbletea then I can rip him off since he is very stingy!!
cathy reject food? you must be kidding me. wait, are you cathy or are you someone that hacked into her acc and wrote crap on her blog? wtf HAHAHA
CATHY PLUS FOOD goes well together but w00t cathy rejects food?! are you sick woman?!? Hahaha no wonder you chaned your background into chocolates, that'll keep you hungry whenever you blog.
Gosh cath puke machine much?? Hahha sounds awesome though, being treated as an international student is so privileged these days! damnnn you :(
oooerr another Ng eh?? is he your class mate?
i love your back ground!!
and oohhhh a boy eh???
cathyyy what did you eat n that japanese restaurant? did it have something that made you dislike food? :O
oh andd why do people puke after drnking? curiousss... :p
tht nic dude in badminton...eric choo still the best lah i bet kan kan?? :p
*signnnn* i miss seeing his pretty face :(
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