Yes, I been saying it since this morning and couldn't stop saying it. *I'm gonna die!!!*
I got my psyc test result and lab report back, they ain't that bad but I was hoping maybe a lil' bit higher. Now I have to make sure I don't do more than 10 mistakes in my psyc final exam to just make it to an A. (125 multiple choice questions, yes, I'm gonna die!) I seriously don't know how to do it. Although this same situation happened in first semester too and I somehow managed to do it; this semester I been skipping lectures, my memory is empty and
As for gender study, I thought I'm gonna get my essays back and just die together with my psyc, but I was wrong. It is a bitch and it wants me to die another day! WOT DA FUK! I'm gonna die again on Thursday! And I need to write 3 short essays in final exam. Damn, die more tragically!
Oh don't worry though, I'm not depressed coz I don't want to die at all but whatever is happening now is killing me slowly. Why and who invented EXAMINATIONS?! I want to revive him/her and kill them again, but this time I will make sure they die more tragically than me!!!!
I been thinking why this is happening to me. I think it's becoz of the easy life. Living in a residential hall makes me slack. I'm seriously considering of living alone or go renting with random people next year. Oh I'm gonna die if I can't find a place to live next year. Great. Someone reminds me why is this happening again?!
oh yes and oh no I am procrastinating! I'm gonna die!!!!
On the other hand, I surprisingly woke up at 7.30am, first time since July. Yeah, I'm not gonna die if I continue to wake up at 7.30am and only if I STUDY!
I feel the sane way!
i have no break whatsoever, i have midterms every other week :(
and not to mention homework assignments and quizzes *sigh*
I'm still cool
I ain't helping am I ?
alah, the only thing i can do now is pray for u loh :)
HAR HAR HAR i can still laugh at you but i know i'll be dying like you are when i get back dshcjdsckjd -___- psshh dont worry cath you'll get an A and it will magically come to you, thats what happen to you all the time ;) HIHIHI or think of me and my mushroom head...yeh that'll totally boost your energy in studying!
oh yeh i know whats the problem! been partying? yes? no? *coughs*
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