Hahahahah, I guess everything has the first time. I always get bored in lecture but this is the first time I got so bored that I decided to blog!
Ok, let's update what is happening in my life right now.
First of all, I am going to United States at the end of the year!!! The traveling plan is stop by Fiji for two days, arrive in Los Angeles, 6 days in Anaheim and 1 week traveling around California state(I think), then will go to Mexico for 10 days then back to NZ, the whole trip is just almost one month. One thing I'm really proud is that I paid 40% of the trip. But I'm sad too b'coz my saving account is depleted. And I really hope that I will be granted the US visitor visa (need to spend more money flying to Auckland and application fees). BUT I AM TRULY EXCITED!
Secondly, I kinda have an emotion breakdown last Sunday. The most crazy roller-coaster I ever been on. Happy, excited, sad, disappointed, confused, angry, anxious; everything in a day. So I basically spent my day crying, screaming and laughing. Hahahha, it sounded crazy, doesn't it? No kidding, I did look crazy. My eyes were so sore and I was so dehydrated by the end of the day. Of coz, there were reasons for the breakdown. I was going through some difficulties in my relationship and my two close friends shocked me with their engagement. Yup, two totally unexpected engagement announced in 12 hours. But yesterday I was just angry at myself for not being able to handle things coolly as I expected myself to. Now that I'm calm, I am just thrilled for my friends for their engagements!
Thirdly, I took a badminton lesson on Saturday and my body/muscles ached for 3 days! Unbelievable! And there is another lesson next Saturday and it's going to be half an hour longer, I cannot imagine how it going to be like for the next few days after the lesson. But hopefully, I can lose some weights and be fit before my metabolism starting to slow down when I turn 25 in four years time.
Oh ya, birthday updates! I turned 21 two weeks ago and had a really great day(s). Tuesday 10th, I was blindfolded by my friends and walked around the town to get to a restaurant for dinner, got a homemade chocolate cake and Giorgio Armani perfume and body lotions as present and spent the night playing charade with a lot of laughters. Friday 13th, I and church friends went to Ashburton (another town for ski trip), my car arrived the latest and one of my friend did a really poor job trying to keep me outside, they surprised me with 16 pink cupcakes, Tiramisu, chocolate cake and apple custard cake, and of coz I spent the next day skiing which was an awesome experience. Oh wait, that wasn't it, my bestie, Hilda tried to called me at midnight to wish me happy birthday but the internet connection sucked so I only heard "hello" but really that was sweet and unique! and of coz not forgetting her present, pink iPad case. Celsy, another best friend of mine, sent me a present from Aussie, so touched. And I am still waiting for another one from Roza.
Thank you all, I really feel the love from you all. I am truly happy and grateful that I have you all as my friends. Sorry that there're no photo but I will upload them when I am free which is rarely. Ah, I really love you all!
4 weeks ago
Now I'm mad cause you never come and talk to me when you need someone! Glad that you had a blast on your birthday week (: Love you more!!
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