ok, let's start this off with last Friday party. I went to a friend's birthday dinner and I had some drinks. I actually started to feel the dizziness. Then my friends brought me to another girl's birthday party at a bar. I got some free drinks too. I like the shots. I'm not sure what shot i had but it was similar to the one in the picture, it has chocolate tho. I'm not drunk but quite tipsy. Then we went clubbing but too bad most of the clubs were so quiet coz it was the beginning of the holidays. Btw, I met this guy, omg, he is kinda cute and according to my friends, I was staring at him as if I'm gonna eat him. He has the same last name as me, oh yeah, NG is cool~

Wednesday (today), me and my flatmates went to the beach to celebrate Cherie's and Linda's birthday in advance. We all enjoyed it, i think. The photos can be found on my facebook.
Also, I uploaded more photos of my Unicol Ball on facebook. Please go check them out and comment, especially the last 2 photos.
I was planning to go to Christchurch on Friday but now, I am not so sure. You see, the bus ticket is NZ$40, its quite expensive and its only one way ticket. It gonna cost me a bomb if I need to come back to Dunedin by bus too. But then I promised my friend I will go and I wanna have some fun and meet more guys too. Such a stupid dilemma.
My lecturer was really nice as he postponed the due date of the essay which is kinda bad in a way. Coz I had been slacking. Its so hard. I don't even know what to write. Choosing the Gender studies is my biggest regret. Oh no, I still have a lab report to write too and I'm so worry that I didn't do well for my first report. Shit. This is not good.
Anyway, funnily, I don't miss the cute guy but I miss having the shots. They are so nice. Hope I won't become an alcoholic.
ps. How do you resist the temptation when you have nice delicious chocolate in your drawer?