Friday, April 23, 2010

So what have I been up to.

Last saturday night, a friend invited me to the Malaysian Cultural Night, which I think it was quite good except the part that we all stood up and sang Malaysia National Anthem, I was giggling all way through. Took a few photo but they are all on my friend's friend's camera. Later midnight, I went out again with my friend and his friends to a bar and yes, we were clubbing until 2am~ It was okay but because I only know 2 of them so it got a bit awkward at the end.

The next day, Sunday, I went to church in the morning and church outing in the afternoon. It was great fun! I loved it, especially my teammates! They were so great that we WON! weehaaa! They uploaded the photos on facebook but the album is limited to friends only so you guys can't see it. But I will upload them as soon as I get a copy from my church friend. (Copies from facebook are not clear).

As for this friday, I only had one 40 minutes lecture and I was free for the rest of the day! I was so happy! Went to have Japanese Bento with my friend and a huge Green Tea Ice Cream. YumYum! Then I went to library with a church friend, he asked me to teach him math but he was the one who taught me in the end. lol. Then a korean friend of mine, he joined us too and walked me home. First time in Dunedin to have someone walks me home, made my day even better.

Yesterday morning, I went to the Saturday Market with the friend who walked me home. I had lunch at his house and he cooked spicy tofu stew (a korean dish), the spiciness almost made me cry. Then we went to watch How to Train Your Dragon! It was a very very cute movie, I love it! And then Ice Cream AGAIN! damn, I'm gonna be fat but I don't care, NZ ice cream is the best! At night I went to this Taiwanese Cultural Night, no offence but it was bad. The performers just being idiots to make us laugh. What.The.Hell. but there is a guy with very SEXY six packs performing topless! OMG!!! Couldn't get my eyes off him! LOL

Sunday which is Today, didn't do much. Stayed in and did my math assignments and is waiting for something fun/interesting/exciting to happen. I am thinking not to go for dinner coz I am in the mood for instant noodles and Tiramisu cakes given from my friends.


Anonymous said...

AHHHHH i've said what what i wanted to say to you on FB but sounds ike you're having a lot of fun down there ;)

Omg you are cherished with ice cream, so lucky!! and i just realized he made spicy tofu! THATS LIKE MY FAVOURITE KOREAN DISH! AHHHH SO LUCKY :"D i always order that dish whenever we go to a korean restaurant haha.

Gotta admit, NZ do have the best ice cream and green tea ice cream rockzz my sockszz (sorry for the lamness but i'm craving for some right now!)



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