Thursday, May 6, 2010

Curiosity kills the cat.

Hey people! I'm sure you all are curious about my hair colour right now. Okok, I shall reveal the result to you. =D I hope the picture quality is good enough to show the colour. Please comment! and tell me should I get a lighter purple next time?

Without sunlight, can't really see the difference.
Now you can slightly see the purpleness.

I think the purpleness is more obvious here.

The purpleness is very obvious eh? but only under sunlight.
ps: click on the photo to see it in bigger size. =P


Hilda Milda™ said...

why do you want to dye it purple btw? hehe ok ok la!

Cathy Ng said...

I don know. Since the very first time I wanna dye my hair, I wanna dye it purple. LOL.

Roza Rosman said...

i don't see purple :(
i see brown/maroonish :(:(:(

why cna't i see the purpleee


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