Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rain rain don't go away

it had been raining for the past few days, which were awesomely awesome! i LIKE! it made me feel like i am not at Qatar, but i missed the smell of grass after the rain.

this weekend had been quite useless for me, did nothing and had been quite depressed... i don't want to sound like a bitch but i actually miss being a bitch. lol. i am weird...

i have a strong feeling that there is something is missing in my life, what is it? and how can i get it back?


Anonymous said...

- a boy?? ;)
cathy ur not bitchy XD, ur too nice. lol

(ur blog addicted girl.xx)

Anonymous said...

hahaha trust me rabia, cathy can become bitchy when ever she feels like one


Anonymous said...

thanks celsy, what a compliment!


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