Tuesday, July 14, 2009

happy 18th birthday to me

wow, it had been 18 years since i had been waiting for yesterday!

*i used a cheesecake as a substitute since my mum doesnt want to buy a proper cake for me*

*2 candles instead of 18, haha!*

*my wife, Hilda Teo, thanks for celebrating my 18th birthday with me. Love you with all my heart.*

p.s. thanks to ah yao too, she and hilda got me a really pretty present. Hush Puppies Undies! (L sizes, i didnt know i hav such a big hips -38 inches)

p.s. also not forget those who sent birthday wishes to me over the phone, through the texts, msn and facebook. thanks for remembered my birthday~

p.s. cheers to those who had given their presents to me weeks ago. Thanks again. Love you all too! I shall never forget you all!

p.s. to paul, thanks for waking me up in the midnight twice, just to say happy birthday to me and gave me a big kiss through the phone.


Rabia Ali said...

how did u do ur nails??

nadia lah said...

haha, cheesecake jadi bday cake..tht's nice~


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